Friday, February 22, 2013

Hey guys!

Ok, so I am new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me for a bit. My name is Jessica, I am the owner/artist at Blossoming Buttons. We do all kinds of stuff here. While I started the business with custom stationery, it continues to grow every day! We are even doing custom birthday parties now-it's so fun!
   I wanted to use this first post as an introduction to me!  So here goes nothing....I love anything DIY and anything art-related. At a very young age my parents noticed that I could draw...pretty well if I do say so myself :)  From that point on I was getting my hands into every medium I could.  I love oil on canvas, pen and ink and most of all just plain old pencil on paper. That is how my stationery business started-just doodling.
   It began with custom orders for friends and family and slowly grew into something bigger. Now I have a website, a  twitter account, an Etsy site even a Blossoming Buttons facebook page! Amazing, huh? I spend my days crafting and filling orders, I pinch myself daily because I can truly say I am doing what I love. 
   By creating this blog I'm hoping to inspire other fellow crafters to get out there and get artsy. It drives me crazy when people look at art and think "how did they do that?' YOU CAN DO IT! Whether it be a project I've done with my toddler, or a DIY project for around the house I will find that spark and run with it.  I will drag out that DIY person hiding deep down inside of you kicking and screaming  if I have to! I love feedback, and to chat, so feel free to bounce your ideas, projects and questions off of me! 

#DIY #Homeschoolmom #DIYproject #havefun #youcandoit


  1. Jess - this is great! I look forward to all of the new things that you will blog!!


  2. Thank you! I hope you keep coming back :)
