Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pipe Cleaner Accessories!

   This is a great project for developing hand eye coordination.  It will also help to avoid alot of frustration for the little one's who can't quite string beads onto a wobbly strand yet. We happened to inherit a TON of beads from my mom, Gigi, so we decided to take full advantage of our surplus :)

  • Pipe cleaners
  • Beads (use beads with larger holes for the little ones who can't string them yet.)
  • A happy kid!
  • Buttons (these are a new, fun type of 'bead' to string.)
   This project is pretty self-explainatory.  Simply show your child how to string the beads and buttons onto the pipe cleaner and encourage them to be patient as they fill it.  Leave about an inch bare on either side so you can create the bracelet enclosure.
   Once they are happy with the amount of beads on their pipe cleaner, they can decide whether they are making a bracelet or a pair of silly glasses...or both!
    *To make a bracelet, once you are through stringing beads, shape one end of the pipe cleaner into a circle and use the other side to fasten it by wrapping it around the end of the circle.  

    *To make a pair of silly glasses, make a bracelet but don't create the enclosure at the ends.  Instead, wrap the ends around each other to avoid the sharp ends of the pipe cleaner sticking out.  Now make another circle but attach it to the other circle the same way you closed the first one. Use two additional pipe cleaners without beads to create the rest of the glasses. 

    To make the arms of the glasses, fold each additional pipe cleaner in half and bend one end to fit around their ear.  Attach them individually to both sides of the glasses by wrapping it around itself over and over until the sharp part is not showing.  Voila! You have pipe cleaner accessories! Now go and be silly with your kids!

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