Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cotton Ball Polar Bear

   With the weather so unbelievably cold lately that even us Georgians are getting snow flurries, I thought this wintery craft was appropriate.  The last time it snowed Eli was still a newborn, so I wanted to explain to him what was happening and where the snow came from. Naturally, I turned to a craft and some printouts to do the trick. Now Eli is well versed in snow and we have a beautiful craft to show for it! 
  • Construction Paper
  • Cotton Balls 
  • Q-tip
  • Blue and White Washable Paint 
  • Paintbrush
  • Elmer's Glue
  • Googlie Eyes  
  You can use any color construction paper, but I suggest not using white so the 'snow' sticks out a bit more (we used gray).  Draw a line about 2/3 of the way down the paper and ask your child to paint snow on the top section of the page, above the line.  It's important, especially for toddlers, to learn to follow instruction. Guiding them through a craft is the perfect way to teach them how to be patient and how to follow the rules.  Now, let your child dip the Q-tip in blue and white paint to create the snow falling from the sky.   Show them how to dot the paper so they make little dots of snow, instead of using the Q-tip like a paintbrush to create strokes.
   Now grab the cotton balls and the Elmer's glue. Coat, or have your child coat, the bottom portion of the paper with glue. Then show them how the cotton balls stick to the paper when they place them on the page.  My son really loves to use his glue stick so this is probably his favorite part :) Explain to them what snow looks like, what it feels like and why it happens.  If you need some help explaining the scientific details on snow, play this educational video all about snow while you are creating your own!
     Now that your 'snow' is covering the page, you are ready for the polar bear. Trace a polar bear outline on white paper, cut him out and let your child glue him on. If you'd rather print out a polar bear or need some drawing inspiration, (come on, you can draw one!) go here to see some cute polar bears.  All that's left to do is give him some googlie eyes-everything looks better with googlie eyes!  Happy Cotton-ballin', everyone!
  *** I love new ideas~ Share your crafts or DIY projects on my facebook page! If you are out of ideas, check out my Pinterest boards!***

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