Saturday, May 4, 2013

Home Made Bird Seed Patties!

    I have been looking for a 'bird seed patty' recipe that didn't include weird ingredients that I had to make an extra grocery trip for and I finally found it! This little project is great for those rainy days when you can only paint and craft for so long... my little guy loves using mixing bowls and spatulas and adding ingredients to the pot. He also loves to watch the birds from our back window- guess I shouldn't use saying 'killing two birds with one stone' in this post but we really did :)  hehe Enjoy the home made birdie patties, everyone!

  • 4 cups bird seed
  •  3/4 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tablespoons corn syrup (I used light and it worked just as well.)
  • Twine or String
  • Cookie Cutters (I found that the larger ones work best.)
  • PAM Spray (or any brand.)
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Plastic Straws
    I like to pre-measure all of my ingredients so they are all ready for my little helping hands to toss into the bowl. I find the more time I involve him the more interested he is.  So allow your little ones to combine all of the ingredients: bird seed, flour, water and corn syrup.  Stir the mixture until the entire bowl is moistened.
   Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray the foil with your cooking spray. Place the cookie cutters on the cookie sheet and also spray the inside of each cutter, this will allow for easy patty removal in the end.
   Pack the cookie cutters to the brim using a spoon or a spatula and push on them to ensure the mixture has made it into all the nooks and crannies.
   Once you have used all of the bird seed mixture, use a straw to poke a hole near the top middle of each patty, you will have to manuver it back and forth to get it the whole way through.  Cut the straw up and leave  a small part of the it in each cutter so the hole wouldn't close up over night.
   Periodically pack the mixture down in each cutter so your patties will stay together longer once they are hanging outside.
  Once they have dried and are hard, pop them out of the cookie cutter and string them up where ever you want to see more birds! Ours only lasted a few days because the birds loved them so much! Next time I will only put a few outside at a time :)
   This recipe will make about 2 dozen normal size cookie cutter patties,
you can cut all the ingredients in half to make a dozen if you don't want to use that much bird seed... but remember they make cute little gifts for the grandparents!

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