Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bubble Wrap Turtles

   My kiddos loved making these bubble wrap turtles to go along with our swamp unit. They require a bit of up front cutting, but the kids love assembling the parts and the bubble wrap technique is pretty cool.

  • White, green, blue and yellow construction paper 
  •  Googlie Eyes (two per turtle)
  • Glue
  • Bubble wrap
  • Green paint
  • Paintbrush

  Cut the white construction paper into a shell shape, the green construction paper into four legs and one tail and the yellow paper into a the shape of a head.
   Use about a 10"x6" piece of bubble wrap, bubble side up, and let your child paint the bubbles 'turtle' green with a paintbrush. Then, push the white turtle shell into the bubbles and peel it away, leaving it looking like a turtle shell!
   Now, glue the shell to a blue piece of construction paper, as well as the other turtle 'parts.' Finally, let them glue on their goolie eyes. Voila! You have a turtle! I used this as part of the Swap unit in my 3-year old class. My kids really enjoyed learning about turtles so I decided to add this project :)
   I always like to watch several kids do the same project, it's always interesting how different they turn out even when they have the same supplies.  Art is so great for kids and they really enjoy it! Happy Turtle Shell making, everyone!!! :)

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