Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hiding the Clutter!!!


This is a trick that I use ALL over our house. A basket can house a number of things and make a cluttered room look instantly pulled together. The only problem I have with a traditional basket is it's color. I love a good accent color and the old looking wood just doesn't do it for me anymore. 
   I used black Krylon spray paint on this basket to revamp my kitchen. Instantly it looks new and polished and keeps all of my bills, grocery lists, batteries, band-aids, match box cars and whatever was on my counter when the doorbell rang, put away.....a quick whish of the wrist and my clutter looks 'organized.' Nobody will ever know about the secret hoarder that lives inside of me when I'm home alone :)  The best part is. This project cost about $2. I bought the basket at Goodwill for $1 and I already had the can of spray paint in the garage but I only used about half a can!

  • Thrift store basket
  • Spray Paint
  • Cluttered space 
 Here's the spray paint I always use and LOVE:


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