Friday, February 22, 2013

Recycled Paper Bag Canvas!

   This isn't really a project, but more of an idea. Being a stay at home mom/business owner, I have learned to think quick when it comes to entertaining my little man. But, sometimes he is just not into sitting down and listening to me explain a longer project-"mommmmmm!"
  So this idea came to me on a rainy day that also happened to be a busy order-filling day for me. I needed something that was going to entertain him for a while that didn't include plopping him in front of the tube for an hour. This did the trick!

  • paper grocery bag
  • scissors
  • markers/crayons
  • stamps/stickers
  • paint (you don't HAVE to use paint, but it always makes it more fun.)
  • one bored, cabin fever-ridden child.

   All you need to do is...drumroll, please... cut the bottom out of your paper grocery bag then cut one more time anywhere along the side! Now you have a HUGE surface for your kid to go crazy on. They can paint it, color it, stamp and sticker it. Anything that you have in your bag of crafty goodies will do. 
I even turned it over onto the other side and added paint to the mix. The rain stopped enough for us to slap it onto an easel and continue outside! Eli really liked this because I don't normally lug his easel outside, but it was that kind of day.

   I even found a sponge brush and a roller that added even more fun to this project. I love anything that is recycled. Why throw out your grocery bags when they get a rip?! Save them for those rainy, yicky days and create something fun! 
   I liked the way this turned out so much that I cut it into 3 pieces, framed it and displayed them in Eli's bathroom. Kids love seeing their art hung, it makes them feel accomplished and encourages their creativity! 

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