Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Animal Track Art

    This is for all those little scientists out there... for the wee ones that love to use their 'noculars to explore and their imagination to go new places. My son LOVES animals and loves to learn about them. The other day he saw some of our dog's footprints and the mud and was very intrigued- insert picture of mommy with light bulb turning on above her head. Why not make this into a cool painting project that will create some frameable art for me?! 
  • Plastic Toy Animals (preferably ones without batteries.)
  • Paint (we used Crayola washable paints for kids.)
  • Construction Paper 
   Choose a few plastic toy animals from your collection that have interesting and different shaped feet. We grabbed a few dinosaurs, a giraffe, a pig, and a bear.  Squeeze some paint onto a paint friendly surface.  I always use old shoe box lids because they are thick enough to withstand paint after several uses.
   Dip the animals into the paint one at a time and 'walk' them across the construction paper. Explain to your kids that all animals are different and each have a unique foot print. They will love to see all the shapes and prints their animals make. My son got so excited and really understood that a bigger animal foot made a bigger print. Pretty cool watching them learn and actually seeing things 'click' like that :)
   After you have done several animals and several colors, start a new one! We created 4 or 5 print papers and I think I am going to frame them in the family room...they turned out really cool! 
   Enjoy 'tracking' everyone!
Here's a cute video of my little guy REALLY enjoying this project :)

Here's a great deal on construction paper-I love buying in bulk, especially if you are always crafting!

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